Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm doing this because I have nothingf better to do now

HEY! How about this! I'm really posting! And I had to create a ******* Google Acount to join this ******* blog! ( ******* means nothing Ok teacher? :/ ) Do you know what :/ mean? Really?! I don't! Ok, now talking serious, I'm here to post my funny story, so that's the reason I didn't put my name :) , but I know teacher will make me show everyone my identity at class (but at least not on the NET LOL). Anyway, I could be making up a Story like everyone here, but I'm not (or not). By the way, the time you guys that have patience to read this lost reading this hole nonsense introduction will never (NEVER) get back, so here is my Story:
(I'm kidding again)
It was a cold and rainy day. I was very tired. VERY tired. Yes, MORE TIRED than usual. Actually, I was almost slepping in class. But I couldn't sleep. I was at School. And that wasn't a good day. Not a good day at all. In the Geography class I caught myself napping! If I was like that in the Geografy class, so how about in the Math Class? In the English Class?! (I'm kidding) IN the Physical Education?!! (I'm such a great joker!) Anyway, when the Geografy teacher goes out, all of the sudden and to my panic, the Portuguese theacher comes in! I don't know about yours portuguese teacher but mine was so oring, so boring, the even the greatest NERD in the world would not be able to pay any attention. And she spoke so low, so low (and I was sitting in the last chair, because SHE put me there). I couldn't listen to a word.
After few moments a realised that I couldn't fight the tiredness, so I decided to sleep:
"What's the big deal about sleeping?" - I thought - "And, after all, this doens't soud so difficult" (actually it didn't sound noything)
I caught my coat, put it on the wall, and did what I had to do! There were such good dreams! Burges and soda everywere! But, suddenly I hear the awfull voice:
- Hey, you! Hey!
I wake up surprised.
- Excuse-me, give me your coat and go drink some water.
- Oh! - I didn't wake up at all, so when I got of my chair, I almost falled to the ground. I think it was kind of funny, because there where laughts.
- My class is not toi sleep. You should have at least some respect!
- Sorry to interrupt your sweet class teacher. I didn't realised I was sleeping. I really shoundn't have drink soo much yesterday night. - I sad with sarcasm
- You know, thinking better, meet me at the coordenation, there we'll have have a talk about drinks and respect.
Well, I guess I don't have to say that it didn't ended well for me. I got a little RED NOTE, and untill today some teachers call me "Soneca" (Sonny for the inctims).

Thats it! did you like it? NO?! So ####! (#### means "I love you" :P )
This was based on true facts (or not)
1st try
2nd try
3rd try
A-N-W-Shut up!
(no, not yet :/ )
20th try

Sorry, I couldn't resist. (LOL, I should work as comidiant :D )
Theacher, my name starts with Luc
PS: we should use this blog for other things, its a great place for jokes LOL
PS2: Mine its the largest post, if you got here you are really interested
PS3: My videogame :D
PS4: This last wasn't even my joke
PS5: Finnaly, it ENDED!
(or not) :(



  1. LUCAS, I really couldn't tell ir was you!!! =P
    Anyways, nice post, man! A bit too long, true, but good anyway. I really liked the fact that you were really having fun while writing it. Nicely done! Oh, and I wouldn't sleep in my class if I were you. Bad, bad idea for your ears! XD

  2. very good!! it happens with me too, the same fact! asuhaushuash but i didn't fall down! the teacher was a s*&¨%#r

    Gustavo Carrilho and Paula Guedes

  3. Hey guy the introduction is very ***** big but funny =D that prepared the person to laugh more!
    Soooo, very good post and history.
    Can I ask you a question? The teacher was Carmem Fátima?
    Ricardo, Guilherme and Lucas

  4. Haha funny story i think i know somebody who done that,anyway i think that´s really a funny story.

    Lana and Eduardo
